Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Yesterday was spent digging out. Skid steer didn't want to run, 4' drift in front of the parlor door, much bigger drifts all over the farm, a cow died yesterday, a calf (Charlie)lost her fight with pneumonia, and the milk truck driver got stuck several times on the way to our farm Sunday night. It was the kind of day that made you stomp your feet, throw your fist in the air and shed a few tears, but the sun came out, the best Vet we could ask for drove from PA through really nasty conditions to help out, our neighbor spent most of the day doing all he could to help and my parents worked their butts off helping Ben any way they could. By noon we were getting back on track and today will be business as usual.
The cows are itching to get out and enjoy this sunshine, but for right now the snow is too deep to keep the fence hot enough to restrain them. So instead they kick up their heals and do laps in the bedded-pack barn. It is great fun to watch, especially when Ben spreads sawdust in the evening, the cows chase each other around the pack, bouncing, kicking, bucking and they like to run through the stream of sawdust as it comes out of the blower. Will rides on Ben's lap in the skid steer while I guard the barn door to keep the crazy girls from galloping outside.
Spring is on it's way, some of my seeds are planted, our chicks are ordered, we will be frost seeding clover soon, the birds are chirping more every day, I heard a kitten 'mewing' in the hay mow and I noticed yesterday that my relish supplies are dwindling. There may be ice on the tree branches, but it won't be long now before a crocus emerges and the golden-green hue of buds replaces the ice on the trees.

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