An update on the last 2 months....
Waking up from a double mastectomy+reconstruction = run over by a dump truck. My breast surgeon had warned me about feeling like I had been run over by a truck and then a day later feeling like it was merely a car, but I wasn't prepared. I would argue it was a dump truck and a day later an unloaded dump truck and maybe 4 days later a car.
My Breast Surgeon, Dr Anne, doesn't allow visitors, laughing, phone calls, texting, TV, nothing, just lay there. Some of the nurses poo-poo'd this, but I am in total agreement, no friggin way could I have handled talking to visitors or focusing on anything other than being still and sleeping. I had a male nurse (there seems to be an abundance of them at Lourdes) who tried to be funny, it was his way of lifting my spirits, but I would have hit him if I could have because smiling made my chest hurt, burn, pull.
You might be confused, it's like a boob job right? Not in any way shape or form! A boob job involves lifting the breast tissue and sticking an implant in under the ducts/tissue/fat. A mastectomy involves scraping all of those ducts/tissue/fat out and in my case cutting out the nipples and areollas. The reconstruction part is where the exponential amount of pain comes in. The layer of muscle under your now non-existent boobs is scraped off your rib cage and a tissue expander, which is like a plastic pillow that is deflated, is placed under the muscle. Then a sling of either denatured pig flesh, or cadaver in my case, is sewn in from your armpit to your sternum to serve as an internal bra for the tissue expanders or future implants.
My mastectomy included removal of the entire packet of lymph nodes on the left side because we knew 3 nodes had already tested positive for cancer. Some people will have a sentinel node biopsy to potentially avoid taking the whole packet and increasing the risks of lymphodema in that arm. My pathology report showed 5 nodes in that packet and all 5 still had signs of cancer.
After 2 nights in the hospital I was able to go home, sleep in a recliner and occasionally move to a different chair with about 6 pillows wherever I was to keep my arms propped just so. For a while I couldn't reach my face to push up my glasses, wipe my own butt or pull up my own pants. Ben and my Mom were busy with me and the kids, mornings meant getting me to the bathroom and then getting me situated so the kids could get ready for school. If I had an early doctor appointment it took one adult helping me get ready and one getting the kids ready for school.
Slowly that got better, mixed in with some crazy emotions when I got that initial pathology report about my lymph nodes, I truly thought I was dying, maybe a year, maybe a couple, but I thought it had been growing for the whole time I was being "treated".
My initial biopsy showed Estrogen+, Progesterone +, Her2+ tumor which is aggressive but also has a lot of treatment options. The pathology after surgery showed Est+(100%)/Pro+/Her2 negative, which had us worried that the initial biopsy might have been misdiagnosed and with the Her2 negative I may have been a better candidate for sugery before chemo becuase that doesn't respond well to chemo. We freaked, I quit whining about having no boobs and realized that was so insignificant in the big picture. I couldn't wrap my brain around what life for my family was going to look like.
Then my oncologist called me late one night and talked me down off the ledge, he explained that there can be different types of cells within the same tumor and there was good news in that pathology report. We had killed all the triple positive cancer with the chemo and that's the aggressive one, so kuddos to us for acing that test. Second, since the 100% Estrogen positive tumor remaining feeds off of estrogen we know how to control estrogen and had shut off my ovaries months earlier.
I started feeling better, but then had a flu-like reaction to a dose of Zometa (to help strengthen my bones against the cancer) and that set me back for nearly a week. Later we are questioning if this was truly a reaction or the first indication I was coming down with pneumonia.
A review of all my pathology slides by Roswell Park showed that the cancer had not spread beyond my lymph nodes, but that there was a possible spot where the tumor was too close to my skin so I went back into the OR on October 16th for a skin excision which took another 6cm of skin up from where my nipple had been.
The pathology for that skin showed it was actually free of cancer. Yay!
Recovery continued and I didn't need constant help with the kids anymore, but about 5 weeks out from the original surgery I started getting more tired and some swelling at the end of the day. I wasn't thinking it was anything other than me doing too much. Then Saturday the 28th I just had to sit back and watch the kids carve pumpkins because I was too tired, then Sunday I was achy everywhere and had no desire to move (I blamed my oral chemo, Arimidex), but my mid afternoon I was feverish.
I love Dr. Anne, she has no answering service, we call the hospital operator and tell them we need to reach her and she calls us back within minutes. She gives explicit instructions and tells you when you should think about calling her again. So Sunday she told us to call back if my fever got over 101, which it did at 9:30 that night and I had some minor swelling on the right side of my chest so she instructed us to march to the ER and to ask for a whole battery of tests and call her if they have any questions.
11pm-3am in the Lourdes ER = a pneumonia diagnosis and sent home after some IV antibiotics and fluids. Again DR. Anne was talking to the ER doc in the early morning hours even though I'm certain she had surgery early the next morning.
I started feeling better by Tuesday and saw Dr Anne again and she did an ultrasound of the swelling to see if it was in the tissue or not, looked good, so more waiting and watching to see if the pneumonia antibiotic would keep everything heading in the right direction. Thursday there was some light redness and then by Friday morning it had worsened and Dr Anne's nurse set me up to see Dr Pejo the plastic surgeon before the weekend.
Dr Pejo outlined my redness and told me if it spread drastically beyond those lines to call. Each evening I was getting warm about an hour before my antibiotic but not a full fledged fever.
By Saturday evening I just felt off. Sunday morning I woke up to pain on my right side when I took more than a teeny tiny breathe. So we headed to the ER and called the on-call DR in Pejo's office, still thinking the redness hadn't spread too much. She asked us to go to Wilson Hospital or Binghamton General (her preference) so that Dr. Pejo and herself would have floor privileges to check in on me. Then we called Dr Anne and she told me to go wherever I was most comfortable and probably Wilson because they see more acute problems. I felt more comfortable going to Wilson than General because I've never been to General's ER, so off to Wilson we went, with strict instructions from Dr Anne to get a CT scan.
After a couple of hours, X-ray, EKG, CT plus the standard blood and urine they decided my lungs were clear and there was no concern about a blood clot. When the ER Doc looked at my wounds they were significantly more red than they had been only hours before.Why the breathing pain? The infection was causing enough swelling and inflammation to make breathing uncomfortable and actually I could walk around and be comfortable, but the minute I sat or reclined it became painful to breathe.
As the ER doc finished giving me more IV antibiotics and was getting ready to send me home with more meds she was also waiting for a return phone call from the on-call Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Adepoju, and bam Dr Adepoju just showed up. She was in the area and decided to swing by to see it for herself.
Immediately she said she wanted me admitted and that it was a strong possibility that the tissue expanders would need to be removed so I was supposed to start fasting at midnight. I also needed to be transferred to Binghamton General where their offices are so they could check in on me. I got teary-eyed and she was extremely gentle and kind, understanding that my sadness was due to continually being separated from my kids and the fear that might be causing them.
We discussed my desire to be rid of the tissue expanders and go "flat" and she assured me that it's not a decision to jump into, but rather try to ride through these storms and see how I feel on the other side. I felt much more comfortable having that conversation with her than Dr. Pejo.
I got my first ambulance ride!! It was hugely frustrating when I was perfectly fine going there in my own car, but oh well.
Monday my wounds were much less red than Sunday so they decided to wait and see, mostly because Dr. Pejo wanted to be absolutely sure my pneumonia was gone before he thought about taking me to the OR and he wanted to have me see the Infectious Disease DR that visits all the local hospitals acting as a detective in these sagas of infection. Tuesday the redness was no better and it was a long day of waiting to see Dr Pejo and the infectious disease Dr. I walked laps, I read, chatted with my nurse, listened to the jerk next door yell at aides and nurses and had a visit from Quinn (the boys had dinner with me Monday night.)
Dr Pejo came and we were in total agreement that the tissue expanders need to come out and he would leave it up to his office to fit me in today (wednesday) in the OR. He stole the cashews out of my mixed nuts and left.
Then Dr Fenlon, the infectious disease doc, came to visit. She is like CSI for infections and we talked about everything that has happened, plus questions about my life that I wouldn't have thought to connect with my current situation. She was also in agreement that my expanders have to come out today and that Pejo would be removing as much tissue and muscle as needed to get my body to turn the fight around. She was very impressed with how hard my body is fighting with all that it has already been through. She also asked that I find something to keep me busy, reading fun books(nothing dark), doing something like knitting ( I'm so uncrafty) or this morning I am writing and instead of just doing my minor exercises in my room I held some stretching poses. I can't think of a hand craft I can do that I can tolerate...
Anyhow, I'm fasting and waiting. Waiting to get my raisin boobs back and get this hideous swelling gone. As hard as it was to look at those shriveled pillows of skin in those first few days, i'm ready to be rid of this mutilated swelling and get back to life instead of focusing on babying these foobs (fake boobs) along. They might look more like craisins with all the redness, but you get the idea.
I've had tears here and there and a meltdown yesterday when I realized this was going to delay radiation by 6-8 weeks, but I'm ready. Ready to get these foreign bodies OUT! Ready to be able to cuddle with my kiddos daily again. Ready to let my Mom and Ben get back to life that doesn't revolve totally around me. Ready to be rid of Mark as my next door neighbor, who likes to call nurses idiots. Ready to keep working to keep cancer away, instead of fighting infections.
This was a freaking long post, sorry. Maybe while I'm home doing IV antibiotics, I'll spend some time filling in the gaps of this post...
Thanks for the food and the visits and the love!
I'm not proof reading this one, time to do some crocheting...NOT!
Sending positive thoughts your way you are amazing and strong.
WOW ALL THANKS TO DR WILLIAMS Am paul,i once suffered from the problem of weak erection and death sperm count,which my family doctor could not cured,and it was affecting my home,i had to search the net for a solution,then i came across the contact of a DOC,Dr williams who help in the cure of weak erection and premature ejaculation,i got his contact,i never believe he could help me,but now am completely free from the problem,i gave him all the details he need to know about me,and i got the medication,which i took for some days,now am completely free from it,if you have such problem on it or impotency,you can contact him through his email on